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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.
How to Get Started with 3D Modeling: An Interview with 3D Modeling Expert Jonathan Williamson

How to Get Started with 3D Modeling: An Interview with 3D Modeling Expert Jonathan Williamson

Are you thinking of learning 3D modeling? Wondering whether it’s a good idea? Or how long it will take you before you can make your first 3D model? And what you should do when you are staring at a blank screen with no idea what to do next? We talked to Jonathan Williamson from CG Cookie, one of the leading digital art education sites, about the challenges and rewards of the trade and his insider tips for someone who is totally new to the world of 3D.


Designer Portrait: How Industrial Designer Elise Luttik Uses 3D Printing for Interior Design Objects

Designer Portrait: How Industrial Designer Elise Luttik Uses 3D Printing for Interior Design Objects

Industrial Designer Elise Luttik from Amsterdam, founder of design studio eli5e, creates stunning interior design objects, product designs, and furniture. From Polyamide to Ceramics and Transparent Resin, she has created various gadgets and decor items with the help of 3D printing. For our latest video interview, we met up with Elise to learn more about the passion that drives her.
