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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.
The Advantages of Sculpting with 3D Printing: Interview with Sculptor Charles-Eric Gogny

The Advantages of Sculpting with 3D Printing: Interview with Sculptor Charles-Eric Gogny

Charles-Eric Gogny is a professional French sculptor who has embraced 3D printing and 3D design from a very early stage. He is fascinated by organic forms and tries to show imaginary representations of the universe and existence through sculpture: everything is movement, metamorphoses, and microcosms meeting macrocosms. This results in chimeric creatures; a mix of human, animal and vegetable.

Charles-Eric explained to us how he designs for 3D printing in bronze and polyamide, and how this new way of working has allowed him to continue sculpting even after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.


3D Printing Design Tips from Professional Designers

3D Printing Design Tips from Professional Designers

Designing for 3D printing is not always an easy task. While creativity has no limits when you’ve mastered the right 3D design software, optimizing 3D designs for 3D printing can be tricky for beginners.

That’s why we wanted to offer you a compilation of the best design tips for 3D printing given by those who know it well: 3D professional designers.  How does their 3D design process look like? Which 3D printing software do they use? Which tips would they give to new 3D designers? Read on to discover their thoughts!
