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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.

Featured Friday- Showing your 3D printed designs

Another week has passed again and we’re happy to show you these new designs!

We are glad to see how your creative minds always come up with new, fun and cool designs. This week we’d like to show to you a very nice bracelet, designed by Buro Bruno, created in gold plated brass.

Next design is a fun pedal beat, made by Tofty, from the UK. He created a small pedal shaped tritium vial holding bead with large side cut-outs, designed to take two of the 2.5x10mm tritium vials.

Last but not least, this design (or better: piece of art) is from Ilse Vermeulen, a dutch designer. Her artwork, called van Dyck, is made in Multicolor Composite.

Well, that was Featured Friday for this week. I hope you have a lovely weekend and keep up the good work!



Transparent resin online pricing and new samplekits: Check it out!

We’ve got some great news for you! We’re happy to say to you our trial period for transparent resin is finally over!

So from now on we can serve you with exact online prices and details about the designs on our website . The maximum size we offer is 2100 x 700 x 800 mm. You can choose the basic finish for your design but we do offer a technical finish.

When you choose a technical finish for your transparent resin model, the support material (which is needed during the printing process) is first removed. Then your model is hardened under UV light and varnish is applied on all surfaces. This varnish is applied to your model to protect it from dust and discoloration. It makes a part transparent. Adding a small amount of paint to the varnish enables bit of color to be added to this transparency.

Besides, we can also paint your transparent model (bye bye transparency). There are 4 types of paint: dead matt, matt, satin, and high gloss. The difference lies in the gloss factor. In ot

Unfinished building finally ready after more than 200 years

When we found these pictures on our forum we couldn’t help but wonder: Where does this mysterious building come from?

The designer himself wants to stay anonymous, but we can call him Rob. “This is my first 3D printed project and I’m pretty proud of it, I must say.” It’s not his first design. For years he is a designing now, mostly in landscape design, software and architectural reconstruction.

“I heard about this building before and it caught my attention. I’ve been told that the big financier of the American Revolution, Robert Morris, wanted a grant city house.” In 1794 he hired Peter L’enfant, the designer of Washington DC, to draw up plans. This French born architect was often impatient with clients, including the US Government, his employer who dismissed him in 1792.

Despite his great talent, L’Enfant never had a successful career. He was lucky to find Robert Morris as an employer, so he begun to build the town house in Philadelphia. Unfortunately L’Enfant his

Major Tinkercad update: you can now import 2D/3D designs!

Today, the folks at Tinkercad released one of their coolest features ever: the possibility to import existing 2D or 3D designs. Tinkercad is a free 3D design app that runs in the browser by using the latest web technology (web GL). The great thing about it is that you don’t need any previous design expertise. Just open your browser, go to and start creating!


With the release of the import feature, we can’t wait to see all the crazy mash-ups and modifications people will come up with. The only downside for now, is that the STL import is limited to 25 000 triangles. So don’t go crazy just yet.

So how does an imported 3D file look in Tinkercad? Have a look below.

We can’t wait to see what’s coming next…and don’t forget you can still EXPORT your designs to i.materialise for 3D printing.

Who is….(y)our Product Designer?

Hi everyone!

It’s time to introduce myself. Tatiana, our community manager, has requested it already so many times that I lost count but here it goes. I’m Bert and have been working  for Materialise for 3,5 years now. Until recently I only worked for .MGX by Materialise as a Product Development Specialist but now I also lend my services to i.materialise.

 Mainly I have been working with designers from all over the world on luminaries and interior products for the .MGX Collection. I was involved in the development of the Cadence.MGX, the Gamete.MGX  and the Dragonfly.MGX to name a few. With my knowledge of possibilities and limitations of the different 3D printing techniques, I ‘m well place to give assistance and guidance to the designers. For i.materialise I have developed the instructables, design guides for the new materials and I am working on other (behind the scene) products and material developments.

Enough about my work at Materialise, now a little bit more about m

Back to School Meetup: 28th of September

Did you always want to know more about 3D printing your designs? We’d love to welcome you to our next Meetup at i.materialise.

Every designer, independant business owner, working professional,…. that’s interested in 3D printing. Journalists are welcome as well to meet our designers and follow  a tour through one of the biggest 3D printing facilities in the world.

It’s a great opportunity to meet fellow designers and share your experiences, so don’t forget to bring your 3D printed design. You’ll get to know more about the services we offer, you can see all te materials you can print in and ask all your questions concerning 3D printing to our support engineers.


  • Welcome
  • Presentation and see materials
  • Tour
  • Drink & Talk

Technologielaan 15
3001 Leuven

Friday 28th of September 2012, 14.00-18.00 GMT +2 (Belgium time)

You can register on this website!
Hope to see you soon.

Summer ends in beauty: Lower prices for jewelry in polyamide and resin

Our Belgian summer is coming to an end and we’re very happy to say that prices of jewelry in Polyamide and resin dropped.

Take a look at our special gallery category Summer ends in beauty to check out all the nice designs.
To give you a few examples; these chandelier earrings, both made by Unellenu in white polyamide, now only costs 21.09 euro instead of 28.9 . Isn’t that great?


Why not match it with this nice looking necklace? The price dropped from 90 euro to just 41.39 euro.

Or you want some more color in your life? No problem. Michaella Janse van Vuuren  made this nice coryl polyp pendant that now costs only 16.55 euro instead of 28.9.

Have fun shopping!




Urban Nomad Challenge: 3 materials, 3 winners!


Inspired by our modern and mobile way of living we introduce to you our new challenge: The Urban Nomad Challenge! Let the nomads inspire you to make something extra-ordinary, never-seen-before or handy 3D printable design. Nowadays, thanks to technology, we can work everywhere; we are urban nomads using all kinds of tools and gadgets to support our mobile life. From iPhone cases to cellphone holders…..Think about it and surprise us, there are so many options: a tool, an ingenious gadget, something to support a mobile lifestyle,…


Participants need to upload their file here. You can find more information about the file formats in our FAQs under ‘website’. You can choose between 3 materials: ceramics, polyamide or stainless steel. When you upload the file you can mention in the comments section in which material you would like your design to be 3D printed in.

There are limits on the size of the design:

Bounding box polyamide: 12,5 x 12,5 x 12,5

Featured Friday- Showing your 3D printed designs

Another week had passed again and we’re happy to show you these new designs!

The first design we want to show you is a real masterpiece. The basic idea for the project of Serdal Bidav and Nilgün Kuscu was to create a floating concert hall for Istanbul. With this building the designer wants to reflect the diversity of the city by creating three different cityscapes.

Next design is a very cool Heavy Metal watch ‘Black Label Society’: the case, bezel and dial were 3D printed. The material used for the wristwatch is paintable resin which was covered with some metallic paint. It perfectly shows how you can use 3D printing in your everyday life.

Check out this train! This model is based on a version from 1924 made in prime gray by Guido Mandorf.

Last, but not least: a very nice looking sculpture for an art gallery. It’s the first sculpture ikatz made through 3D printing. It will be great to see it in full glory!



Looking forward to see more of your designs.

Designers: Get your name out!

Ok, now that you started designing, you want to take your creations (and yourselves) a level higher? No problem! Here are some tips to get yourself into the spotlight.

These days, the internet offers great opportunities to do self promotion. Set up a Facebook page for your projects and promote your designs through social media: Twitter and Facebook are perfect platforms to spread  news about designing and connect with fellow designers. Or have you ever  thought about an online portfolio? There are several portfolio communities to showcase your design. Try Behance , DeviantART, Coroflot or Computerlove. Get in touch with other artists and share knowledge or sell your designs.


Promotional websites offer good opportunities to share all kinds of information. Think about Digg: you can submit stories and links and comment or vote on other links. If you have a lot of votes, you’ll get a nice position on the frontpage. Design Float and Design Bump are similar to Digg, but made for