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Newsflash: High detailed stainless steel (HS) has entered the building!

It’s all in the details. With high detailed stainless steel (HS), you can go wild with your designs. We tested the materials for a few weeks now and it looks pretty stunning. You can situate the material between silver and titanium. It’s pretty much as strong as titanium, but more shiny and mostly less expensive. Towards silver it’s less shiny but stronger. So if you’re looking for alternatives with a very high detailed standard: this could be the one!


For weeks we were (and are) excited to finally tell you the news and give you, as a designer, more -detailed- options. Wim, even did a test on rust: he put a high detailed stainless steel design in a bath with salt and no marks of rust are visible. We can’t wait to discover what you’ll design with this material!

We’re still waiting to put HS on our material page: we will let you try, play and test the material until the end of the year and see whether the material is worth to have its own place on our material page. We

Meet the designer: Dario Scapitta

Growing up in a family full of designers, Dario Scapitta was destined to be a designer himself. Nowadays he’s experimenting with 3D printing and tries to find his way in the industry.

When did you start being interested in design?
<< Well, I was born in Valenza, the capital of the Italian jewellery business. Since I was young I heard about jewellery designers and goldsmiths, because my parents and my brother are all working in the jewellery business. So jewellery design is in my blood. Later on with my studies and my experiences I’ve learned how to become a designer myself. >>

How would you describe your style?
<< It is very difficult for me to describe my style, and probably it is also too early to talk about it. I’m always working on something that I like very much; I’m constantly inspired by nature, fashion, art, architecture and everything else that surrounds me. Every day I find new things or ideas to transform in a piece of jewellery. I like to be simple and original and

Transparent resin online pricing and new samplekits: Check it out!

We’ve got some great news for you! We’re happy to say to you our trial period for transparent resin is finally over!

So from now on we can serve you with exact online prices and details about the designs on our website . The maximum size we offer is 2100 x 700 x 800 mm. You can choose the basic finish for your design but we do offer a technical finish.

When you choose a technical finish for your transparent resin model, the support material (which is needed during the printing process) is first removed. Then your model is hardened under UV light and varnish is applied on all surfaces. This varnish is applied to your model to protect it from dust and discoloration. It makes a part transparent. Adding a small amount of paint to the varnish enables bit of color to be added to this transparency.

Besides, we can also paint your transparent model (bye bye transparency). There are 4 types of paint: dead matt, matt, satin, and high gloss. The difference lies in the gloss factor. In ot

3D printing in bronze has passed the test

We’re happy to say to you our trial period of bronze is over! So from now on we can serve you with exact prices and details about the designs on our webpage. The maximum size we offer is 50 x 50 x 50 mm, but we do encourage you to challenge us with bigger models. If you come up with a design a little bit bigger than the imaginary box, don’t hesitate to tell us: we can check wheter it’s possible or not. We hope to print bigger models in time as research is still going on.

For the prices: we can say that a design up to 5 cm³ will cost you 38,50 dollar, for every extra cm³ you will pay 8,8 dollars extra. For compact models there’s an extra discount. The more material you have within the imaginary box around your model, the more discount you get for the same model volume.

Bronze is typically used for coins, medals, key or small figures, but don’t hesitate to think out of the box. We welcome any possible design!

Do you have more questions about your design, just mail it to cont

3D print something in Bronze

Metal Month is in full gear now! We’ve got two metal based design challenges running, we’ve given you the ability to gold plate your stainless steel designs, and all of this at a 10% reduction through the month. Well guess what? We aren’t done yet. How about being able to 3D print in bronze as well? Does that sound cool to you guys? It sure as hell does to us, so without any further ado…

Starting today we’re giving you the possibility to 3D print in bronze.

To celebrate this new material, we’ve already taken our time to 3D print some nice designs by different designers for you. Below you can have a look at what bronze 3D printing looks like.

Okay great… so what about the print size? Well for now we are offering the ability to 3D print in bronze on a 5 x 5 x 5 cm bounding box. This will eventually change, but as we consider this a trial phase we want to start off small and work our way up as time goes by.

As for the pricing… well considering we’re trial

Materialising Minecraft Dreams

Today we would like to highlight the work of one of our dear colleagues at Materialise called Sander. He’s a fan of Minecraft and happens to work at a 3D printing company so the following was obviously going to happen someday… With help of a software solution called Mineways, Sander was able to create a bridge between his creations in Minecraft and our 3D printers. The results and Sander’s story can be seen below.

Tell us a bit about yourself. Who is Sander?

I’m a software engineer working for Materialise. In my free time I’m involved in several music activities and I spend quite some time behind my PC programming and playing games.

How did you discover 3D printing?

My current employment brought me into contact with 3D printing. I was not exposed to it before then.

What brought you to Minecraft and which realms do you command in there?

It is kind of strange but my cynicism brought me to Minecraft. When I heard about it first I didn’t believe such a simpl

Meet the Designer: Josh Henry

Not too long ago, we received an order at i.materialise to 3D print some pretty big transparent pieces. Our curiosity kicked in and we decided to contact the designer to find out what these transparent parts were for. To our surprise, Josh revealed to us that it was for his magnificent Ula Miami Concept Car that he was developing at the University of Cincinnati. As soon as knew that, we didn’t hesitate a second and contacted him for an interview.

Here’s what our friend Josh had to say…

Tell us a bit about yourself… Who is Josh Henry?

I am currently a Junior at The University of Cincinnati, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.  Car design has been a passion of mine and is what I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. Car design for me is really about creating a product with emotion. Creating a life, or a character if you will. Thinking about the interaction between a person and a vehicle and that emotional attachment that one has with the vehicle. These are things that fas

When Dreams are Materialised

Meet Ritik, an 11 year old young man with a creative heart and dreams of a 3D printed world. Our first encounter with Ritik was at TEDxKids in Brussels a year ago. It was on that day that Ritik made his first contact with 3D printing and it became quite clear that it was like love at first sight. After receiving an introduction, Ritik’s creative mind began to work overtime. “Could I print an iPod? Or what about a car?” he thought to himself. The answer to his question was eventually found in creating a pair of 3D printable glasses. With a fixed idea in mind, Ritik now started the design process in an easy to use software application called 3DTin.

Little did he know that his design would eventually make its way to the Antwerp based M HKA Museum where it would be exhibited to demonstrate what an 11 year old kid could do with this innovative technology.

But Ritik’s story doesn’t end there. After his first contact with his new passion, Ritik received the great news of his fat

Who is….(y)our Support Engineer?

My name is Darya, I am 24 years old and I am a customer support engineer at i.materialise. Meaning, I’m one of those people who are e-mailing you every day saying that you are about to get your desired 3D printed models and I must admit that I’m more than excited to be one of them! I’ve been working for Materialise for almost 2 years and my way to get to i.materialise was more than unusual. I started my career as a part of the HR team at the Materialise Ukraine office. It was the very first time that I came in contact with 3D printing and it became an amazing discovery to me. I was impressed and proud to work in such a company and told everyone about King Tut’s replica made by Materialise. As soon as a vacancy for customer support engineer at i.materialise opened up, I jumped at it to become a part of the world of 3D printing and I did not miss it. Everyone was surprised with such an unusual shift from HR to support, but here I am!

There are several things that bring it clos