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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.

Impressions from 3D printed .MGX designs at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London

Our creative sister division MGX has recently exhibited some amazing 3D printed works of art at the V&A in London. This attracted thousands of culture-hungry attendees which resulted in a 20-day extension of the original exhibition dates. As with all exhibitions, the show must end some day and for .MGX that day was the 15th of October of 2011. However, that doesn’t mean that we didn’t think about all those of you who couldn’t make it to view the exhibition.

Especially for you, we have decided to share our impressions on this blog. May it inspire you to be our next great designer to showcase at such a lovely venue.

Escapism Tunic by Iris van Herpen ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

SOLID C1 Chair & SOLID T1 table by Patrick Jouin ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Trunk by Peter Marigold ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Fractal- T by Platform Studio & Matthias Bär ©Victoria and Albert Museum, London

The One_Shot.MGX by Patrick Jouin ©Victoria and Albert Muse

Belgian Radio 1 show “Peeters & Pichal” organizes a new design challenge with i.materialise

You know that feeling in the mornings when you’re still in between worlds with a coffee in hand while getting ready to start your day? Computer is ready, radio is on, you sit down and once again you can’t find a single spot on your work invested desk for that coffee mug! Don’t you just wish that there was some way to extend your desk and create some extra space for that mug? Well if you live in Belgium and listen to the Peeters & Pichal show on Radio 1, keep on reading cuss here’s your opportunity to solve such a problem!

Many people often have great ideas to solve simple issues like the one above, but it doesn’t often happen that they can turn them into reality. This is where we come in and provide the listeners of the Peeters & Pichal show the opportunity of a lifetime.

An example for the challenge

The objective is simple… create an awesome 3D design that makes your life a bit easier, submit it between the 18th of October and the 1st of November and whoever brings in the be

WIRED 2011 through the eyes of our buddy Sid

As I write this, our dear colleague Sid is having the time of his life at the WIRED 2011 Conference in London. It’s a two-day conference that celebrates ideas, innovations and the people reshaping our world. Therefore it’s no surprise that Materialise would feel quite at home at such an event. As excited as Sid was, he decided to give us a quick glimpse into what WIRED 2011 has to offer.

A little message from our colleague Sid:

“I just moved a ball hovering in mid-air … With my MIND! Now how cool is that? It is a technology based on using brainwaves to enhance the interactions with our environment. The thing is… this is just one out the many mind-blowing topics that I”m exposed to here at Wired 2011. From nanotechnology to talking robots to Scandinavian skiing slopes on top of a waste factory … As crazy as you can imagine it, here you meet people that actually do these things.”

“And 3D printing…? People here love it. The Materialise Bloom lamp (designed by Patrick J

The power of 3D printing at the push of a button in Google SketchUp

Google SketchUp is used by thousands of people around the world to create and share wonderful 3D designs, so it comes as no surprise that i.materialise introduced a 3D printing plugin to provide you with that extra level of awesomeness. Not only can you translate your creative ideas into virtual 3D models, but you can now actually get them 3D printed at i.materialise by simply clicking a button within the program! That’s 3D printing made easy for you.

But as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words so we’ve decided to swamp you with them in the following video.

Try the plugin here!

i.materialise brings 3D printing to museum of contemporary art

For those of you who fancy a portion of grand culture and art with a side order of the lovely city of Antwerp, we’ve got great news for you. The Antwerp based museum M HKA and i.materialise have joined hands to bring you a glimpse of the 3D printing experience.  Not only will you be given an introduction to the world of 3D printing during this event, but you’ll also be able to enjoy exquisite exhibitions like the one of grand artist Jef Geys who believes that 3D printing is the next step in concepts surrounding art and production.

We found Jef Geys’ question, “What makes an artwork real and what is it that gives it its uniqueness?” quite interesting in relation to 3D printing. Take Martin Douven for example, whose work is being showcased at the M HKA thanks to Jef Geys. Martin Douven was a self-taught artist who taught his children to create and replicate famous paintings applying the “painter’s chain” method. It was a method by which paintings were created in some kind of assem

Hurray! Prime Gray is back to stay!

It took longer than expected to put the material back on the shelf. There was a bit of a hesitation from our side. The material looks fantastic: it has a great color, it is smooth, shiny, affordable and offers high details. Prime Gray has however some disadvantages : only the up-side has that famous shiny look and it is sensitive to scratches. After counting the votes, I”m proud to announce that the ‘Yeas’ have won it from the ‘Nays’ !

Conclusions of the trial period
The trial period showed that prime gray was mostly used for:

  • miniatures – for its detail,
  • figures – for the looks and detail,
  • jewelry and art – for its introduction price
  • but also functional models – to test its functionality

We got very positive reactions. People were getting impatient that the decision took so long time. Your mails have made the decision balance tip over to the ‘Yeas’ side. So now, Prime Gray has earned a permanent spot in our Periodic Table of Materials as the elemen

Jewelry design workshop: too many applicants – great fun – wonderful results

Last June, we posted an invitation to participate in a special contemporary jewelry design workshop with Karen Wuytens, lecturer in Jewelry Design, and famous hat designer Elvis Pompilio The workshop took place in early September at the .MGX flagship store in Brussels.

Unfortunately, we had to limit the amount of participants to 10, meaning that many applicants were unable to join in on the fun. However, the lucky 10 participants were not complaining about the cozy atmosphere as they spent 2 days at the .MGX flagship store, where they received an intro to 3D printing from i.materialise. Karen Wuytens shared how to design a piece of jewelry, starting from a basic shape. Fabien Franzen taught the participants how to make their design in the software MOI3, which is very well suited to jewelry design. And finally, Elvis Pompilio was on hand to impart some expert design advice.

One week

Introducing the New Community Manager

My dearest community,

Today I am proud to announce that I have the honor to be your new community manager. My name is David Arroyo and I have a professional background in 3D content creation for the entertainment and movie industry alongside a very useful customer service and sales background. Just like my colleagues have done this before me, I will continue to provide you with the latest and most interesting topics within the 3D printing world on a regular basis and will also be there to have interesting two-way conversations with our community.

So to get the ball rolling, I’ll quickly introduce myself by giving you a look into who I am and the things I love. First of all, I love the creative world of art and culture in all of its forms. Having an artistic background myself, I find it a pleasure to look at other creative individuals and their work. As an artist at heart, I obviously also do my share of art creation and I have worked as a 3D artist on video game and movie project

London Design Festival’s 3D ‘revolution’

Two weeks ago we were talking about the first ever exhibition at the Victoria & Albert (V&A) Museum to solely feature 3D printed pieces: ‘Industrial Revolution 2.0: How the Material World will Newly Materialise’. If you can”t make it to London, have a look at the video below. Curator Murray Moss guides reporter Matt Cowan through the V&A and shows him all the wonderful 3D printed pieces from the Industrial Revolution 2.0.

London Design Festival 2011
‘Industrial Revolution 2.0’
Sept. 17-25; Victoria & Albert Museum

Opening times: 10.00 to 17.45 daily 10.00 to 22.00 Fridays.
Entrance is free.

For further information, visit

3D printing blood vessels

© Fraunhofer IGB

At TEDMED 2009, Dr. Anthony Atala, the director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, showed a new type of technology to print a kidney-shaped mold. During his 18-minute talk, he explained how one day this technology might be used to print actual organs. Unfortunately at the time, most press and media didn’t completely get the point and started reporting about “the world”s first 3D printed kidney”. Although we are a long way from applying this to patients, the technology shows promise.

Also in 2009, 5 Fraunhofer-institutes in Germany joined forces to come up with bio-compatible artificial blood vessels. Two years later, the German scientists say they”re building a 3D printer that can print out artificial blood vessels. Through their BioRap project the Fraunhofer team says, they expect to be able to supply artificial tissue and possibly even complex organs.So far, a major stumbling block in tissue engineering, was the inability to supply art