The Most Important 3D Printing Technologies And Materials You Need To Know
If you believe that all 3D printers use filaments and if terms like Stereolithography, Laser Sintering, and PolyJet Printing cause you headaches, then this blog post is for you. Here, we share an overview of the essential 3D printing technologies and 3D printing materials that are currently used on an industrial level.
5 Mistakes To Avoid When Designing A 3D Model For 3D Printing
We know that modeling for 3D printing can be confusing: in 3D modeling, as in 3D printing, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. We all use different software, print in different materials, and not only use different printers, but also different printing technologies. So it’s perfectly normal to feel lost and it can sometimes seem difficult to design a perfect 3D model for 3D printing.
How To Reduce The File Size Of .STL And .OBJ 3D Models
3D files can be heavy, very heavy. This can be a problem when trying to upload 3D files to websites like i.materialise or when trying to share them online with your colleagues and friends. In this blog post, we will take a look at how you can reduce the size of your 3D model files and what level of detail you should be aiming for in order to get a high-quality 3D print.
How To Find The Best 3D Modeling Software For 3D Printing
We often hear: “What is the best 3D modeling software?” The ugly truth is, “It depends.” We can’t tell you which software you should use. But we can tell you how to find it!
Top 10 3D-Printed Christmas Decoration Ideas
Are you looking for ways to bring 3D printing into your Christmas celebrations? Then look no further. In this article, we will show you the top 10 3D-printed Christmas decoration ideas — from Christmas tree ornaments to gift-wrapping inspiration. (more…)
A Bell For Runners: How 3D Printing Brings Unusual Ideas To Life (And To The Market)
Replacing the gruff yelling out of “on your left” with the harmonic resonant sound of a bell for runners. This is the story of Runbell — a startup that makes use of a smart idea and the power of 3D printing.
3D Printing Materials Overview: 100 Materials & Finishes Explained
With such a great variety of 3D printing materials to choose from, it can be difficult and confusing to find the right one. But don’t worry — in this post, we’ll discuss all major 3D printing materials and provide you with small previews and links to learn more about each.
Top 10 3D Model Databases: The Best Sites To Download 3D Models For 3D Printing
If you intend to 3D print a model, that doesn’t mean you always have to start designing from scratch. There are tons of websites out there that offer (both free and premium) 3D models to download. We took a look at 10 of the best and most popular 3D model databases and compared them for price, quality, selection, and printability.
7 Examples Of Useful, Aesthetic, And Innovative Household Items You Can Make With a 3D Printer
3D printing is changing the way we design and produce products. And when we talk about 3D-printed products, we don’t mean strange, pixelated objects — no, we mean aesthetic and useful high-quality household items that everyone can make nowadays.
The #1 Hack To Make Your 3D Print Cheaper
Cutting down costs for 3D prints is the number one concern for many customers. In order to achieve this, we need to understand how costs for 3D prints are calculated. Probably the most important variable is the amount of material that is needed for printing your object. So all we need to do is to make sure to use as little material as possible. Down-sizing the object? Nope, hollowing it out like a pro!