by Martin

The Tatra KT4 is an articulated tram that was designed specifically for use in East German cities. In comparison to the three-bogie K2, the KT4 had a dropped middle bogie, which allowed it to operate on narrow streets in older parts of cities.
Production of the Tatra KT4 ran from 1974 to 1997, during which a total of 1,748 trams were produced. The majority of these trams (over 1600 units) were of the KT4D type and were used in Germany, while other series such as the KT4SU or KT4YU were also utilized in the Soviet Union or Yugoslavia.
This file contains front part of KT4D tram.
To withstand the shipping, I offer only the model with supports.

"Only the best models are good enough" If you are interested in more Tatra tram models or Berlin U-bahn/S-bahn in different scales, please write me on martin.miklica(at)