Worm Gear for Nikon SF-200 and SF-210 batch scanning adapters for Nikon Coolscan 2000, IV, 4000, V, and 5000 scanners. For more information, see here:
Important note: To put the new printed gear on the shaft, first put it into very hot (almost boiling) water for 1 minute. It will warm up and expand, so the hole will be a little larger, making mounting easy.
Similarly, when taking the old gear off - dip it into hot water for a minute first.
Gleb Shtengel

Servicing and repairing Nikon film scanners is my hobby. I have taken accurate measurements of some plastic parts that are prone to breaking. The parts offered for sale here have been tested to work properly. I have few others, that have not been tested as extensively, but I think work. If you need other parts - contact me through my website: http://www.shtengel.com/gleb/Scanners.htm