Krystian's Cube is an invention by Krystian Wilisowski. It is a 2x2x2 Rubik's Cube with a twist. If you turn a face by 45 degrees, then a new type of turn becomes available. Watch the YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMxxCEQSgA0 Read more at the Twisty Puzzles Forum: http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=28012 Please order a 3D-printed do-it-yourself puzzle kit from i.materialise at this page. You’ll get a sinterbox which you need to open and clean the parts a bit. Check with Oskar about and stickers. Please contact Oskar directly here if you are interested in obtaining a fully colored, stickered and assembled sample of this puzzle.
Oskar van Deventer

Oskar Puzzles offers mechanical puzzles and objects that can only exist thanks to 3D printing technologies. All designed by M.Oskar van Deventer.