Ivy Dodec is a puzzle based on the idea of extending the theme from Eitan Cher's Ivy Cube. This time the cutting pattern is applied to a rhombic dodecahedron. There are two possible ways that the puzzle could have been sliced. One would be very shallow slices allowing the three-way corners to turn. The other way is to make the slices as deep as possible, allowing the puzzle to turn on the four-way corners. This makes a more difficult puzzle, and is the way the Ivy Dodec is sliced.
Other Items Needed:
Dye: If you want the puzzle to be black, you can dye the pieces yourself with a nylon dye such as RIT or Dylon. Or you can order the puzzle in the new MJF material, which is lower cost, and it comes dyed black!
Stickers: Please contact me for the sticker template. If you want professionally cut stickers, I recommend Oliver’s Stickers or Chewie's Custom Stickers.
Screws: Six 12mm M3 pan head screws required, available in hardware stores or on the web.
Springs: Six springs needed, available in web puzzle shops. I get mine from HK Now Store.
Degree of Difficulty:
Assembly: Easy to assemble.
Solving: Moderately easy to solve.
Ivy Dodec turns well, and the mechanism is stable.
Have fun!
Pitcher Puzzles

Welcome! My goal when designing puzzles is to create geometries that are visually striking and have a complexity belied by their apparent simplicity. Many of my puzzles use odd axis systems, and exhibit strange properties such as jumbling and shape-shifting. Enjoy!