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Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model

by Peter Paninar

  • Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model
  • Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model
  • Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model
  • Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model
  • Ridiculous Fishing 3D Model


I love Ridiculous Fishing and especially it's art style and as a 3D artist myself I was wondering how the game would look if they made it in 3D using this style...

I haven't hesitated for long and after a couple of hours I had the basic model done when somebody recommended this site to get it 3d printed. So after another couple of days of hard work to carefully refining it for 3D printing (the flag did not break after all, woohoo!) and then about 3 weeks of waiting for it to be printed, this is the result.

I must say I'm pretty happy how it turned out and it sits on my shelf nicely :-)

Please read this blog post here for more information about the model and also to see more pictures:


Peter Paninar

Peter Paninar

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