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by Vladi Delimollov

  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria
  • Asteria



What is Asteria?

Asteria is a hybrid puzzle combining Pentultimate and Radiolarian 3 in other words a tetrahedral shapemod of Spartacus.  Parts count is 545. Some of the smallest parts have spare copies in case you lost them.

A spare core can be ordered separately here:


The model can be ordered in white or black. It's the largest in volume from all Spartacus variants so there is a probability it was not cleaned too well in the factory. Clean the parts well with soap and hot water. What I do is - before I even take the parts out of the sinterbox I put the whole box in a sift (just in case) and shake the box hard under running hot water. Take the parts out of the box, boil them with soap on low heat and rinse. There are 20 pentultimate corner assemblies that need extra cleaning after that.

In the next video you can see how to brake them in and remove the most of the dust inside:


After that you wash them with water.


Screws: Six 12mm M3 screws required. (Springs are not needed)


Assembly walkthrough:

This time I just made a video of the last stages of the assembly. Email me if there is a need of a PDF walkthrough like on the rest of the puzzles


Note that right after assembly the puzzle will be very hard to move. That's normal for correctly designed puzzles. Just after a few moves of every possible turn it will start to move a lot better. It's recommended to first brake in the 20 Radiolarian grips very well first before you continue to brake in the 6 Pentultimate grips. If a lubricant is needed just use water because oil slows down the braking in process. 

Here is an example of my braking in process:


If you want to apply lube, do it after the puzzle is fully broken in.


Sticker template:


You can also order the stickers by contacting Jason from https://www.chewiescustompuzzles.com/


My contact: jiroscop@gmail.com

Vladi Delimollov

Vladi Delimollov

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