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Natural Polish

Steel is polished by tumbling your model with corn polishing media to smooth out the surface. During the process, unreachable spots like tiny holes will stay unpolished and remain darker than the polished surfaces. Please note that polishing media may get stuck inside small holes, sharp corners or some engraved details. Tips and tricks to avoid these issues can be found in our design guides.

Please note that the way the bronze is infused can vary and cause color variations in your model and between different models.

Natural (Unpolished)

Black Polish

Steel is polished by tumbling your model with corn polishing media to smooth out the surface. During the process, unreachable spots like tiny holes will stay unpolished and remain darker than the polished surfaces. Please note that polishing media may get stuck inside small holes, sharp corners or some engraved details. Tips and tricks to avoid these issues can be found in our design guides.

This finish adds 3 days to the standard lead time.

Black (Unpolished)

This finish adds 3 days to the standard lead time.

Brown Polish

Steel is polished by tumbling your model with corn polishing media to smooth out the surface. During the process, unreachable spots like tiny holes will stay unpolished and remain darker than the polished surfaces. Please note that polishing media may get stuck inside small holes, sharp corners or some engraved details. Tips and tricks to avoid these issues can be found in our design guides.