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Natural (transparent)

The Natural finish of your transparent resin model is called a technical finish, which means that after printing the support material is removed and the support marks are sanded, however building layers remain visible. Your model is then cured (hardened under UV light) and transparent paint (varnish) is applied on all surfaces. Varnish is a type of colorless paint that always comes with transparent models. This varnish is applied to your model to protect it from dust and slow down discoloration. It makes the part transparent. 

With this finish, building layers will still be visible.

The final color of your model is transparent, but not 100% clear. When your model is solid with a thickness greater than 2 cm, it will have a bluish shine.

Color (Transparent)

The Color (transparent) finish of your transparent resin model is called a technical finish, which means that after printing the support material is removed and the support marks are sanded, however building layers remain visible. Your model is then cured (hardened under UV light) and transparent paint (varnish) is applied on all surfaces. Varnish is a type of colorless paint that always comes with transparent models. This varnish is applied to your model to protect it from dust and slow down discoloration and makes a part transparent.

Adding a small amount of paint to the varnish enables a shade of color to be added to this transparent look. The available colors of this finish are: White, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Gray and Black.

With this finish, building layers will still be visible.