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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.

Featured Friday- Showing your 3D printed designs

Another week has passed and we’re happy to show you some beautiful designs again!

The first design we want to show you is a prototype model of an office chair created in Polyamide made by Rendy Himawan from Jakarta, Indonesia. This design gives  a better view on shape and proportion so adjustments can be made very easily.



We found this nice looking guy in our gallery, the first official figurine of  Towel Tim, created by Julien Chateau. This little fellow is 18 cm tall en 3D printed in Multicolor.

Last but not least: the custom historical hat (British Horse Artillery 1815) in Lego Minifig Scale! The designer loves creating new and interesting hats for this little Legofigurines.

Looking forward to see more of your designs.

PS: don’t forget to post your project on our forum in unbox it. You can win two vouchers of 250 euro with our Facebook/Forum Design Challenge!

Have a nice Weekend!


Wonderboy Guto Requena makes 3D printed chairs with the sounds of the city

“The digital culture changes our relationship with design and the way we build our cities,” Guto Requena said in, an online interview magazine. When it comes to designing the Brazilian architect pushes the envelope.  He recorded the typical citysounds of São Paulo and let it determinate the design.

As a little child Guto Requena always dreamed about architecture. Then finally, when he started studying architecture he became more and more interested in digitalism and technology. At this moment  he is one of the most innovatist architects of Brazil  and with his studio Estudio Guto Requena he tries to push the projects he really wants to do.


Requena believes the digital future can make people closer and he tries to experiment with all kinds of design. One of his latest collections is called Nóize, which is inspired by three iconic Brazilian chair designs: Oscar by Sergio Rodrigues, the São Paulo by Carlos Motta and the Giraffe by Lina Bo Bardi, Marc

3D printing in bronze has passed the test

We’re happy to say to you our trial period of bronze is over! So from now on we can serve you with exact prices and details about the designs on our webpage. The maximum size we offer is 50 x 50 x 50 mm, but we do encourage you to challenge us with bigger models. If you come up with a design a little bit bigger than the imaginary box, don’t hesitate to tell us: we can check wheter it’s possible or not. We hope to print bigger models in time as research is still going on.

For the prices: we can say that a design up to 5 cm³ will cost you 38,50 dollar, for every extra cm³ you will pay 8,8 dollars extra. For compact models there’s an extra discount. The more material you have within the imaginary box around your model, the more discount you get for the same model volume.

Bronze is typically used for coins, medals, key or small figures, but don’t hesitate to think out of the box. We welcome any possible design!

Do you have more questions about your design, just mail it to cont

Check out the 3D printed Dragonbite: the winner of the Metal Challenge

It was a very hard decision to choose a winner for our Metal Accessoires Challenge but, as we mentioned in an earlier blogpost,  Vangelis and Dinos convinced us with their marvellous design: the dragonbite pencil. We’re very happy to present to you the 3D printed resultand we can tell: it fits perfectly in your hand!

Its ergonomical design fits perfectly in your hand.


Don’t forget our other challenge, the Facebook/Forum Design Challenge: Post a nice picture of your project in ‘Unbox it’ on our forum and win a voucher of 250 euro for 3D printing. We post the pictures on Facebook, whoever gets the most likes can when another voucher of 250 euro. Good luck to you all!

Featured Friday- showing your 3D printed designs

Another week full of nice looking, inventive designs has passed. We selected some eyecatching 3D printed items that caught our attention. First of all, we want to show you this elegant ring Woman, made by Els Cuvelier, a designer from the Netherlands. Can you imagine this ring around your finger?

Another nice design is this gold plated brass pendant made by Dizingof. It’s called Klein Bottle and it’s a mathematics shape. You can wear it on a necklace or just put it on your desk as an eyecatcher.

It’s always fun to be surprised by a design, such as this one, made by Carlos Gomez, in white polyamide. This shopping bag helper makes your shopping a little easier (and less painful) especially when you’re walking around with too many plastic bags in one hand! By its finger friendly grip it gives you just the support you need, instead of having paintful fingers. Who knows we’re all walking around with this in a couple of months.
Hope to see more nice designs in the future. Have a n

Iris Van Herpen: taking her dresses a level higher

‘Could a dress create the impression that it is moving by itself or make the viewer believe that it is making the wearer compelling to walk’, is in short a description used by fashion journalist Jean Paul Cauvin about Van Herpen her dresses. It illustrates perfectly her groundbreaking innovations and experimental designs. As she says herself ‘couture  represents the future of fashion’, her collections are living it to the fullest.

Iris Van Herpen, not just another 27-year young Dutch woman, is putting the fashion industry upside down with her designs. She is not a promising talent. She is a talent. We’ve blogged about her before but she keeps amazing us every day. Her dresses from her latest collection Hybrid Holism are one by one true pieces of art and clever design.


In 2008 she started off with her collections Chemical Crows for which she used children’s umbrella’s, industrial boat yarns, leather, metal chaines and so on. A few collections later she discovered 3D prin

Designerhub The Machine discovers i.materialise

Last friday we were glad to finally meet the designers of The Machine, a designerhub created by i.materialise and Designplatform Limburg. For the first time they could see their 3D printed designs which they all developed for the exposition at C-Mine Genk under the theme ‘mining’.

We saw a lot of curious faces about the facilities we have at our disposal. To introduce everyone  started off with an overview of i.materialse in the co-creation room.


The group couldn’t wait to see and touch all the materials. ‘Is that really possible?’and ‘It’s so wonderful’ were only some of the quotes we heared. Excited as they were, they were firing their questions at our support engineers to look into future possibilites for their designs.


The looks on their faces were amazing as we were passing by the different 3D printers and they could actually see objects being printed at the moment of speaking. The showroom gave them an idea about the endless creativ

Featured Friday- Showing your 3D printed designs

A new week has passed. We welcomed new designers into our house and to kick off the weekend we present you our favorite designs!

Our first pick off the week is the AERO Chair, designed by Jean-François Roulon is made in white  Polyamide. The picture you see below is a scaled model. It consists of two peaces which can be be assembled by sliding the back-leg component into the slit of the seat-back leg.

The second design seems a little bit odd, but it’s a custom gnome figurine. It looks like a shrinked human being with the clothes, pose and park bench. The designer, Josh Azevedo, used multicolor composite for this design.

Last, but not least, we picked out Semeaureo, a lovely pendant, made by Marco Ferrarin. For this piece of jewelry he used gold plated brass.

Now, enjoy your weekend everyone. Can’t wait to to see more of your designs!

Winner Metal Accessories Challenge

We have a winner! It was a tough decision, but finally there is only one winner….and that’s the Dragonbite Pencil, made by Vangelis and Dinos. They win their own 3D printed design!

On  June the 15th we introduced our Metal Accessories Challenge: we wanted designers to make something useful with a nice design at the same time. We gave everyone six weeks to show us their best work in stainles steel. It had to be something that makes your everyday life just a little easier and comfortable. The dragonbite is ergonomically designed and you can adjust it the way you wantallowing you to find the most comfortable way to write.

Not only is it handy to use, the designers made a beautiful and fun design. Just what we love and we hope you will too.

On behalf of the whole i.materialise team we wish these designers the very best and we thank all the other participants for their nice designs too.

Don’t forget our other challenge, the Facebook/Forum Design Challenge: Post a nice picture

We introduce to you: Ceramics

We’re very happy to give you the possibility to print in ceramics, as the latest material available on i.materialise. Imagine all the new, beautiful designs you can make: table ware, tiles and even jewelry or candle holders. Anything is possible, really. The models are made from alumina silica ceramic powder and sealed with porcelain and silicia. The colored glaze we apply after printing is a lead-free, non-toxic gloss.

The lovely thing about ceramics is all the nice colors you can choose from. They say ‘there’s a color for every mood’, so we made a selection of eight, in our eyes nice, fresh and warm colors. Choose the colors you like the most, we offer you a wide range:

  • Glossy white
  • Glossy Black
  • Lemon Yellow
  • Pistachio Green
  • Sky blue
  • Ocean Turquoise
  • True blue
  • Peach Orange




For more detailed information about the basic properties and pricing, check out our webpage.

Not only is this material we’re using heat resistant (up to 600°C), b