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3D Printing Blog

The i.materialise blog keeps you updated about outstanding 3D designs, the newest 3D printing technologies and the best 3D modeling software tutorials.
10 Amazing Things You Can 3D Print Today

10 Amazing Things You Can 3D Print Today

3D printing has come a long way from being a simple tool for prototyping in manufacturing to a game changer in industries like fashion, retail, architecture and many more. As the cost of 3D printing continues to decline the opportunities and technology continues to grow, giving rise to great innovation. We have gathered 10 projects in the 3D printing world that are sure to peak your interest. We bet you didn’t know you could 3D print:  (more…)

Happy Social Media Day! Post Your #3DPrintie on Social Media and Win a Voucher!

Happy Social Media Day! Post Your #3DPrintie on Social Media and Win a Voucher!

Todayis the 5th annual World Social Media Day. It’s been celebrated around the world since 2010 as a way to recognize the digital revolution happening right before our eyes. Each year, thousands of people organize meet-ups across the globe to participate in this international movement.

This year, i.materialise is taking part in this social media celebration for the very first time, and featuring the biggest phenomenon of today’s social media: the selfie. But of course, we didn’t forget to add some 3D Printing flavor. We’re excited to launch our “3DPrintie” campaign! (more…)

Connect Your i.materialise Shop with CreatorFoo, and Start Selling Your 3D Prints on Amazon!

Connect Your i.materialise Shop with CreatorFoo, and Start Selling Your 3D Prints on Amazon!

We’ve heard a lot of 3D designers saying, “I want to increase sales of my 3D Printed designs, but listing my products on those big e-commerce sites is too troublesome. I wish I could only focus on designing!” Well, now you can solve this problem with just a few clicks. We’re proud to present CreatorFoo, our new API partner that connects your 3D Printed products with i.materialise and the world’s largest e-retailers, including Amazon. (more…)