Updates on Our Selection of 3D Printed Resins: New Material, New Finishes, Price Updates, Size Updates
We’ve got important updates to share with you about new materials, finishes, prices and printing sizes. Take a look at the overview below to learn about the changes we’ve made.
Introducing a new Material: Standard Resin
We’re launching a new resin material today: Standard Resin. This economic option offers great quality at a great price. It’s got a high level of detail, feels smooth to the touch and is easy to paint and post-process. In addition, it is available with or without a support structure. Click here to learn more about this outstanding new material.
The new material: Standard Resin. Design: Dino Rider by Bert De Niel.
Prime Gray is now known as Gray Resin
It’s still the same material you’ve always known, but with a new name and nine brand-new finishing colors to choose from: white, black, blue, green, yellow, gray, red, orange and brown. Due to the increase in material and handling costs, prices have been adjusted accordingly. Upload your 3D model now, to see how the price for Gray Resin has changed. And remember: Standard Resin is now available as our new low-budget material.
Prime Gray is now known as Gray Resin. Design: Diavolo Chair by Rendy Himawan.
Paintable Resin is now known as Mammoth Resin
Our Paintable Resin option has been renamed due to changes in size restrictions. From now on Mammoth Resin will only be used for large pieces – Standard Resin or Gray Resin are ideal alternatives for smaller pieces and come with the same smooth, paintable surface.
Paintable Resin is now known as Mammoth Resin. Design: Bike Frame by James Novak.
Transparent Resin and High Detail Resin are here to stay
No changes here. Transparent Resin is still the material of your choice if you want to print in our most transparent material with smooth surfaces, a large maximum printing size and an extensive selection of coloring options. High Detail Resin remains the perfect material for small, smooth, very finely detailed visual models.
Frogs by Bert De Niel
We hope you’ll enjoy these new features in our selection of 3D printed resins! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.
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