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Transparent resin is a transparent material with a slight blue tinge, which is constructed from a liquid resin that is hardened by a laser. It’s strong, hard, and stiff. Because of the structure required to support your model during printing, freedom of design is limited.
Ships as of 7 business days

Design Specifications

Minimum Wall Thickness
1 to 3 mm (depending on dimensions)
Minimum Details
0.5 mm
±0.2% (with a lower limit of ±0.2 mm)
Maximum Size
2100 x 700 x 800 mm
0.3 mm
Enclosed Parts?
Interlocking Parts?

Pricing Info

The pricing for Transparent Resin is based on:

  • Model volume: The volume of your model is used to calculate the material cost (mm³)
  • Model surface 
  • Orientation: The way your model is positioned on the print platform will impact the support generation and therefore the price

Additionally, a startup cost is applied to the price of your model. This is a fixed cost independent from the parameters of your model. If you order two or more copies of a model, the price automatically decreases because the preparation of multiple copies can be carried out more efficiently.

Typical Use

Transparent resin is suitable for models that need to be transparent, with a fairly smooth surface. Therefore, it’s an ideal material for visual models with limited functionality.


Stereolithography is used to build your design with this material. Starting from a 3D model, a model is built by cutting it into thin layers with specialized software. A support structure is created, where needed, in order to deal with overhangs and cavities.

The process takes place in a large tank and begins when a layer of liquid polymer is spread over a platform. This machine then uses a computer-controlled laser to draw the first layer onto the surface of a liquid polymer, which hardens where struck by the laser. The model is then lowered and the next layer is drawn directly on top of the previous one. This is repeated until the model is finished. In this way, layer by layer, an object is “drawn” in the liquid by the beam, with the layers being consolidated throughout the process.

When the object is complete, it is raised out of the tank with the supporting platform – much like a submarine rising to the surface of the water – with the excess liquid flowing away. The supports are removed manually after the model is taken from the machine.

Additional Information

  • The transparency of the material is not 100% clear but is situated between translucent and crystal clear.
  • The tinge of transparent resin models may vary slightly. The greater the thickness of the model, the more noticeable the bluish tinge becomes.
  • The kind of post-processing we do at i.materialise on your transparent resin is called a “technical finish”. Please be aware that, with this finish, building layers, small imperfections and minor scratches from support removal will still be visible and cannot be avoided. The visibility of the layers strongly depends on the shape or the design of the model. For instance, on a curved surface, layers will be much more visible
  • A clear varnish is applied to your model in order to make it transparent. The varnish will protect your model from dust and slows down the discoloration process

Learning about our materials is one thing, seeing and touching them another. That's why we've designed sample kits based on our Periodic Table of Materials.

Transparent Resin  

Transparent Resin

Includes a sample of Transparent Resin.

$ 21.50