Announcing a very colorful month
It’s time to bring some color into your life! Colors are known to awaken our feelings and drive our emotions. They can turn something that is boring and dull into a colorful feast filled with life and joy. Colors tend to tell a story and colors are always a sign of feeling alive. So why wouldn’t you shower yourself in colors? Better yet… why not shower your 3D printed designs in colors?
At i.materialise we have a lovely material for that called multicolor. It’s a material that has wowed many people through its amazing capabilities and we have plenty of easy to use tools to help you achieve the same results.
An architectural model done in Google SketchUp by Lisa Kraft
Easy to use software packages such as Google SketchUp, Tinkercad and 3DTin all have an i.materialise solution for bringing your colorful designs to life in our multicolor material. We have seen detailed characters in this material as well as amazing architectural models. And recently we have even printed some amazing Mineways models in color at i.materialise.
So… in order to celebrate this lovely material, we have decided to make the month of March the Month of Multicolor.
Throughout the entire month you will be able to place a multicolor order with us through our 3D print lab and receive a 10% discount!
How do you do this? Just enter the promo code multicolor_me10 and you’re good to go. Remember that this only works with the multicolor material and is valid until the last day of March.
Is this getting you excited? Good… because we have even written an extensive design guide to get you started. It covers the most important tips and tricks of multicolor and will provide you with a very good foundation to continue exploring this lovely material.
Stay tuned this month as we’ll continue to spread the color on our blog and into your lives. Enjoy, and we look forward to seeing your colorful work in our shop.
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