Introducing an Improved Shop Experience
We’re proud to announce the launch of our new and improved shop platform. This launch is just the beginning – we’ll be rolling out new features every 2 weeks so stay tuned for more.
Let’s look at all the changes we made step by step. First of all, as more and more people are shopping for 3D printed products, we decided to rename our gallery to shop. Next we have added a new section , named the boutiques. Another big change for now is mainly visual. The better we can visualize your 3D printed products, the more you will be able to sell. And of course,, we want you to easily find what you are looking for. Meet subcategories, clickable tags and smart filters.
Additional to our shops, we have also created the boutique concept. Boutiques are collections of 3D printed designs by established brands. Still under development, we are piloting this concept with the award winning lamps and accessories of .MGX by Materialise and a selection of quirky headwear by master hat designer Elvis Pompilio.
Feedback we often received was the difficulty of finding specific items, since categories have always been limited and rather general. That’s why we’ve added subcategories to make sure you label your design in the best possible way.
Cropping and resizing have been improved. Images are now looking like they should, nice and sharp. On product pages, we also added a ‘ZOOM’ functionality. Clicking it will open up the original uploaded image of your design, which can be hi-res for better viewing.
Smart filtering
Finding the right item should be more straight forward than ever before. On category, subcategory, search results and shop pages you can use different smart filters.
- Price range: On the left you’ll see the price of the cheapest item and on the right the price of the most expensive item. Use the slider or type in new values to look for items with the budget you had in mind.
- Availability: Some designers have products they’re not selling but still like to show to the world. Selecting ‘For sale’ will simply show you all the things you can buy.
- Material: My favorite one. Though it’s great to see so many nice designs, being able to look for a certain material will definitely improve your search.
Talking about search, that has changed as well! We use the same smart filters as mentioned above and search results are displayed in a better way. Before, you only got to see a grid. Go try it out!
Before, you could also add tags to your products. Only now, they are clickable to make sure you can perform a tag search.
Do you like what you see? We welcome all our shop owners to start playing around with the new features and for others who have not yet made that leap into selling their incredible designs online, what better time to start your own shop than today?! Just follow these simple instructions to get started.
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