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Author: Vanessa

A Very Special 3D Printed Wedding Ring

There are few objects in life more valuable or emotionally meaningful than a wedding ring. Imagine then, how amazing it would be to be able to design the perfect wedding ring for someone you love! Thanks to some help from i.materialise, Ann Marie Shillito did just that by designing a gorgeous titanium wedding ring for her daughter Keri. And, here is her story:

When ‘things’ come together, perfectly timed, the outcome can be so gratifyingly fantastic.

How wonderful then that I have been able to give my elder daughter a most precious gift, one that is a culmination of my knowledge and making skills, and is her wedding ring. ‘Things’ came together perfectly timed to enable this to happen.

This all began at the end of December 2010 when Rob proposed to Kari, my daughter, and she wanted a specific engagement ring, similar to one I had designed and made a number of years’ ago. This original engagement ring was in titanium, machined and then hand carved to flow around an oval diamond

Columbia GSAPP Saturated Models 3D printed: Soft Surface

Alistair Gill and Veronika Schmid held a Saturated Models seminar at Columbia’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. During the seminar the Master’s students explored 3D printing and created 3D printed objects. i.materialise made the resulting 3D prints. This is the third interview with a team of participating architecture students, Jung Woo Yeo and Wonshok Lee, and their project Soft Surface. The first two interviews can be found here and here.

1. Who are you? We are passionate architectural designers who just completed a Master of Architecture program at Columbia University in the city of New York.

2. What is Soft Surface? Soft Surface is an undefined object which is composed of two basic modules that together are repeated to create a network of nylon frames. The object changes its state from rigid to semi-rigid to flexible by controlling the relationship between frames even though each frame is stiff. This object is also made flexible in shape and s

Irresistible 3D printed products now for sale in the (New) i.materialise gallery

Those with a weakness for buying beautiful objects should be afraid, be very afraid – i.materialise now has an online gallery of incredible 3D printed products that can be yours to own and enjoy. Because we’d like to open our store in style, we’ve filled the gallery up with awesome products from very talented designers, many of who you might already know thanks to our jewelry design challenge, the incredible reputations some of these designers already enjoy in the world of 3D printed design, or their presence on i.materialise’s homepage.

For those who followed the i.materialise jewelry design challenge, you will already be familiar with many of the products now for sale, and perhaps already know exactly what you want to buy (I admit, I have had my eye on a couple of these for a while now). The winning ten designs are now part of the .MGX summer collection 2011, meaning that in addition to being available online, they will also be on sale in the .MGX Sablon Shop, the world’s first sh

Looking for a unique jewelry design experience?

At i.materialise, we love introducing people to the wonders of 3D printing and the incredible experience of bringing unique designs to life. In order to reach more people than ever, we work hard to identify groups that have the potential to make great use of this technology and try to provide services to get them involved. An excellent example of this has been Sketch to 3D, which has allowed anyone with a great idea, a pencil, and a piece of paper, the chance to realize their design in 3D.

Now, we are proud to announce our newest service, Jewelco, which will give people the chance to design jewelry in collaboration with a pool of international designers. Jewelry is worn to celebrate events and commitments that are nearest and dearest to our hearts, so why not make sure the design really is the perfect fit with what it stands for and who it is worn by.

So, if you are looking for a unique piece of jewelry perfectly matched to your taste, and you would like to experience what jewelr

i.materialise is proud to launch Gold and Silver

Today, for the first time ever, you have the chance to create your own products in gold with i.materialise! We are ecstatic to be the first 3D printing service in the world to offer you the chance to see your creations brought to life in this amazing material. And, if that was not enough, we are also announcing the launch of sterling silver. Our Periodic Table of Materials has never looked so good!

“There’s gold in that thar 3D printing service”

It has been 183 years since the first Gold Rush hit in the United States and although most of us are no longer racing off to make our fortunes digging in “them thar hills”, the lure of gold and the power it holds over us remains. There is something that sets this metal apart from all others, and mankind has been using gold to fashion their most precious artifacts for thousands of years. Now, through i.materialise, you too can bring amazing designs to life in gold. Whether you design a personalized wedding ring that screams “I love you” or a h