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i.materialised a fruit bowl

Mille et une fruits by Mika De Bruijn

I”m fascinated by graphic patterns and geometrical patterns in particular. Also, I was looking for a new item in my interior that could match both the modern style of my furniture and the souvenirs I gathered during my travels to North Africa and the Middle East.

Inspired by the “Honeycomb” fruit bowl in the .MGX collection, I designed my own version in Rhinoceros, incorporating the previously mentioned elements. Since a free form shape like this one is practically impossible to manufacture using conventional techniques, it was great to be able to print it through i.materialise.

-Mika De Bruijn

The Mille et une fruits bowl was 3D printed in polyamide on an Selective Laser Sintering system.

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i.materialise first week in media

We would like to say thanks to several internet websites and resources that published our news during the first days of our beta launch. Matt @ No-retro blog with his comprehensive first review of our service. Bre @ Thingiverse with our press release on his blog. We have also shared some of our models with the thingiverse community. You can check out our models here. Duann @ Ponoko for posting our press release there. Franco @ RhinoJungle for posting a blog post about our Rhino plugin. And MilkOrSugar team for a review of our service on their website. Thanks guys. i.materialise team