Who is….(y)our Support Engineer?

Hi everybody, my name is Sofie Rasschaert and I’m one of the customer support engineers at i.materialise. I’m not an engineer in the strict sense of the word but I do support the customers. I help them with all their (technical) questions about the size, shape and material of the model that they want to print.

Since I “recently” (I just figured out it’s already 2 years ago…) finished my studies as a product designer I know how wonderful it is when thoughts come to live and when your imagination becomes reality. With my job as support engineer I am now able to help other people with designing and finalizing their models. It’s great to get in touch with a lot of different and creative people from around the world.

In my spare time I like to visit (design) museums and exhibitions. During the summer season you can probably find me at one of the several music festivals in Belgium. When it’s possible I try to combine my passion for travelling and exploring new countries and cultures with museum and festival visits. Although from time to time, when I’m tired of the crowded daily life, I find peace in nature. I love it when I can go hiking, exposed to nature and back to basics. Once back home I love being surrounded by “forms (and people) with a smile”.