Making your words appear again

Have you ever heard of the Appear Lamp? One of our customers called Steven sure has, and he found a wonderful use for it…

Steven & Brenda with the Appear Lamp

During a guided tour of Materialise’s headquarters, Steven, a young man in love came upon The Appear Lamp and saw the solution to a problem haunting him for 6 months…how to propose to the woman he wanted to spend his life with. On returning home that evening, he snuck online and ordered a personalized lamp that would forever change his life. Written on his Appear Lamp was a carefully chosen message for his love, Brenda.

A little while later, on the evening of their 10 year anniversary, Steven and Brenda sat down to enjoy some celebratory wine and tapas. Joining them at the table, hidden under a blanket, was the Appear Lamp. Brenda was kindly asked to wait until darkness fell that night to unwrap her gift.

When the light in the room finally started to fade, Brenda was allowed to lift the blanket. At first glance, all she saw was a lamp…then she turned it on and read Steve’s special message:

“Every time you turn on this light, be remembered I need you in my life, Brenda will you be my wife? xxx Steven”

As Brenda read the inscription, Steven fell to his knees and waited for her reply… a clear and loving YES!

The Original & the newly redesigned Appear Lamp

Steven and Brenda are getting married in September this year. Now you too can touch the hearts of those you love with our newly redesigned Appear Lamp or with the original one that romantic Steve successfully proposed with. Both are currently available in our creation corner, waiting for your own personalized special messages.