Top 4 3D Printed Halloween Ideas
Halloween is just around the corner, but there’s still time to unleash the power of your creativity by creating an unforgettably terrifying 3D project. The possibilities are only limited by the scope of your evil plans. Whether you need to add some finishing touches to your ghostly costume or add eerie props for your house for warding off the kids, 3D printing will help you put your unique spin on one of the funnest times of the year.
#1 Halloween 3D Print: Jack O’ Lantern
“I thought we were frieeeeeeeeeeends!”
Jack O’Lanterns are the staple of Halloween. Carving out a pumpkin with grotesque faces is a fun, creative option for warding off the kids from your evil lab. Now you can create intricate designs and 3D print your pumpkin WITHOUT all the mess associated with carving it. Take for example this creation from Sebastian Kerner. Sebastian’s piece features a pumpkin consuming another tiny pumpkin! (Run away little guy!) Sebastian has put together an instructable to walk you through the whole process here. After you have your 3D file ready to go you can 3D print it at i.materialise and have it delivered to your door by one of our headless horseman*.
*Delivery method may vary.
#2 Halloween 3D Print: Creepy 3D Printed Jewelry
Skull Whistle Pendant by Michael Mueller
Now that we got the outside of your lab covered, why not show those pesky kids you mean business by sporting some Halloween-themed jewelry, more specifically a skull whistle. Michael Mueller made a tiny damned loud whistle! It’s so noisy, you might be able to wake up the deceased. Therefore, beware of using it near cemeterys on spooky nights! Now that’s some forward-looking that we can get behind.
#3 Halloween 3D Print: Around the World with Daft Punk Helmet
Photo Credit © Adafruit
Leaving your lab can be a devastating experience but we have a disguise that may help ease the burden of socializing. Infiltrate any facility while grooving to your favorite beats with the Daft Punk Helmet. No one will suspect a thing thanks to this great tutorial by the Ruiz Brothers.
#4 Halloween 3D Print: Dress up Your Henchman as Dr. Finklestein
Photo Credit © 3Dprint.com
Evil Geniuses can’t do everything alone. Sometimes you need backup. Which is why Jim Clark used 3D printing to dress up his son henchman as Dr. Finkelstein, from Nightmare Before Christmas. We think it’s an improvement. Learn more about the project here.
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