i.materialise at ICFF

Our Business Development Manager Martijn Joris teamed up with .MGX”s Joris Debo to create a i.materialise presence at ICFF. Peeved at not being invited to what would have been a  Joris, Joris & Joris event I”ve been trying to ignore their efforts.

Martijn”s impressions of ICFF is that it got very busy especially during the weekend. We met a lot of designers working on very interesting projects. The big draw at our stand were the Columbia designs. These designs were coursework for ‘Saturated Models’ Seminar GSAPP, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University. This class lead by Alistair Gill & Veronika Schmid made some excited and groundbreaking 3D printed work. We provided the Saturated Models class with free 3D printing of their designs. You can see the models in the images but I”ll show you each design individually in the weeks to come.

People were also very interested in Alexander Pelikan”s Machine”s Perception door handles and our lamps were also very popular.  So good news from ICFF.