Mr. Bones shows you around in our office on Halloween

Do you remember Mr. Bones? He was the guest star in our Halloween movie last month. Now that it’s Halloween he decided to join our HQ team for a day and show you around!

Before I give a tour, I need to convince our Marketing Manager Katrien that I'm the right man for the Halloween job.


Okay, let the tour begin! First stop: Dima's desk. He's one of our support engineers who follows up your 3D printing projects.

Dropping by at Bert's, our Product Designer. 'Can you make me a Mrs. Bones, please?'

Going downstairs to one of the many rooms full of 3D printers. 'Do I look good in this picture?'


Moving forward to the showroom. I like that bling bling material.

Just chillin' with my fellow polyamide friends.

This rubber-like ball is so much fun to play with!


Time for a nap at this 3D printed lounge chair 'Roots' by Kol/Mac . Wow, this thing is huge.


On my walk to another production area I bump on this cool car: the first 3D printed racecar (Areion by Formula Group T) in the world!


They're 3D printing some fellow polyamide friends: I like!


Printjob is done, let's dig them out from under the powder!


Ending my day in shipment. This box is going to the Maker Faire in Tokyo: maybe they won't notice me?