by Gary Adams

You are viewing a DragonTamer silent damper cap for the MSR Dragonfly backpacking and mountaineering stove. The cap will reduce the volume level of your MSR Dragonfly stove by a substantial amount, maybe 1/2 of normal volume levels at high flame, more reduction at low flame. All BernieDawg DragonTamer caps can be used with kerosene or Coleman fuel. It is a true multi-fuel silent burner cap that will operate with all the same fuels that your MSR Dragonfly stove will operate. The BernieDawg DragonTamer is the original silent damper cap for the MSR Dragonfly designed by the original designer and builder of silent caps for modern backpacking stoves. PLEASE READ THE PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS RIGHT HERE:
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Gary Adams

I design and build unique items for modern and vintage camping and household stoves. Most notably, I am the original designer of silent burner caps for modern backpacking and camping stoves. I am known as "BernieDawg" throughout much of the internet outdoors and vintage stove collection community. Here is a great opportunity for you to get these great silent burner caps for less than my competitors charge for their imitations. I also offer a few other stove accessories, too. Download the cap instructions as a PDF file right here: Questions? Email: Enjoy! "BernieDawg"