by Gary Adams

Here is the BernieDawg DAWG-A-NOVA silent damper cap for the Optimus Nova, Nova+ and Hiker+ backpacking and mountaineering stoves. Dawg-A-Nova DOES NOT FIT THE POLARIS. Buy PolarDawg for Polaris. These caps can also be used in vintage Trangia Multi-fuel burners based on the Nova design. A DAWG-A-NOVA silent damper cap will reduce the volume level of your Optimus Nova, Nova+ or Hiker+ stove by a substantial amount, about 1/2 of normal sound volume levels at high flame, more sound reduction at low flame. It is a true multi-fuel silent burner cap that will operate with the all the same fuels that your Optimus Nova, Nova+, Hiker+ or Trangia Nova Multifuel burner stove will operate. The Dawg-A-Nova must not be used as a heater inside a tent. NEVER use a stove inside any tent! PLEASE READ THE PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS RIGHT HERE:
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Gary Adams

I design and build unique items for modern and vintage camping and household stoves. Most notably, I am the original designer of silent burner caps for modern backpacking and camping stoves. I am known as "BernieDawg" throughout much of the internet outdoors and vintage stove collection community. Here is a great opportunity for you to get these great silent burner caps for less than my competitors charge for their imitations. I also offer a few other stove accessories, too. Download the cap instructions as a PDF file right here: Questions? Email: Enjoy! "BernieDawg"