I'm a big fan of the 'Detective Conan' anime series ('Case Closed'). On the back of this coin you can see the original japanese symbols (called 'katakana') of the name 'Conan'. He likes to say: 'There is only one truth.'
I modeled this for a good friend and designed this talisman to remember there always is one truth. It just has to be found!
André Greiner-Petter
I was born 1990 in the capitol of Germany, Berlin. I'm studying math since 2010 at the technical university. I was fascinated about sculptures and photographs in my childhood, so I discovered the way to art. I learned many interesting things about Photoshop especially handling with it to overwork photos and other things in 2 dimensions. But I wasn't able to learn about 3D-modelling yet. In summer 2011 I attended a 'Blender' course of my university. That’s the beginning of the story, which is ending on this website. The access to modelling helped me to learn more about handling with models. The heart with gears within is my first project. I hope that many projects will follow.