by AmniosyA
Levity is a 3D printed lamp with a design that comes from the dynamic simulation of "BEAMS OF LIGHT" which, starting from the ground are dissolved upwards generating a pattern of light and evanescent fibers suspended from the ground.
It would Represents the expressiveness of' precise instant in which, during a jump, you're suspended from the ground.
AmniosyA Architecture[Design[Research Born as group based on research and experimentation in the field of architecture, design and fashion design. A network of creative minds with a research and design focus coming from the crucial vision of architecture and design whose reference are compositional hybrids, intrigued by digital flow, figures, and organic forms. The studio works with a deliberate intent of developing new expressions through creative atmospheres and dynamism. Our interests focus on the world of new technologies, on dynamic simulation used as incipit of morphological shape at different scales; we are also interested in 3d printing related to complex geometries.