The Wheel of Hecate represents the labyrinth with a three-fold symmetry reflecting her aspect as Hecate Trivia, the Goddess of the Three Roads.
The face of the pendant is about 1 1/8" (30 mm) across.
William Seligman

They're finger Wiccan goods! On my 53rd birthday, I lost an intricately-designed custom-made ring that was precious to me. The ring was made 15 years before; the original jeweler no longer had the molds. I started looking into ways to recreate the ring from photographs. After months of experimentation with 3D software and many test prints from Shapeways, I had my ring again. I emerged with a self-taught skill set in 3D design and printing. Now I put those skills to use in a market I know from being a consumer: Wiccan and pagan jewelry.