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Two-Inch Klein Bottle

by Bathsheba Grossman

  • Two-Inch Klein Bottle


This is about as small as this design, with its networked perforations, can be cast into brass, bronze, silver or gold. I'm surprised it worked, but my polished bronze sample says yes! It's amazingly light. I'm not sure what it's for, since it's a bit big for jewelry, but it's so pretty I thought you might like one.

Bathsheba Grossman

Bathsheba Grossman

I'm a sculptor of symmetrical and biomorphic shapes My career has led through a math degree, art school for traditional metalworking, multitasking between sculpture and my day job in software, then the sudden moment in the late 90's when 3D printing arrived, and sculpture and software became one and the same. Since then I've been making art using many computer-mediated processes, but mainly 3D printing and subsurface, laser etching in glass. I design art, jewelry, toys, housewares: things that fit in your hand. My work is about art, math, cephalopods, how to live fully in three dimensions and look good doing it.

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