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Triple Square-1

by David Chua

Triple Square-1 Preview Image (with Sinterbox)
Triple Square-1 Preview Image (with Sinterbox)
  • Triple Square-1


PLEASE NOTE: I ordered my puzzle as "Polyamide Polished and dyed - Black", but the puzzle will be cheaper if you choose "Polyamide Natural white".

The Triple Square-1 was first conceived by me back in early 2011 and was later discussed on the TwistyPuzzles forum in June of the same year. However, it was only first 3D-printed in February 2016 as I underwent a steep learning curve for SolidWorks and later spent time gaining advice from the TwistyPuzzles forum.

It is based on the Square-1 puzzle, except that it has three sets of rails for the wedge pieces instead of the usual two. The rails are arranged around a core with a single axis and the puzzle in its solved state has the appearance of a regular hexagonal prism.

This puzzle requires no screws at all: it uses a screwless mechanism. This particular mechanism was only possible due to the larger size of the core. (It is also to be noted that grooves were added for easier removal of the puzzle caps on both ends of the core. However, I had accidentally left them out on one of the ends.

YouTube video: <pending>

First discussed on TwistyPuzzles forum here: http://twistypuzzles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21386

David Chua

David Chua

I've been cubing since late 2008. Although I have been learning how to design twisty puzzles on and off since late 2011, I have only recently decided to finally do something with what I have learned so far from the TwistyPuzzles forum. Wish me well. /)

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