by Gary Adams

The PolarDawg is the cap for the Optimus Polaris Optifuel stove. It reduces the loud sound from your Polaris with flame plate. Because the burner in the Polaris is not the same as the one in the Nova-series stoves, this silent damper cap is the one you want to get for the Polaris. It works well with all three fuels the Polaris supports; naphtha (white gas), kerosene, isobutane - even isobutane canisters in inverted mode. Can be used with the Trangia X2 burner made for Trangia by Primus. Also is a good choice on all three fuel groups for the Edelrid Hexon as shown during lab tests in April 2021. PLEASE READ THE PRODUCT INSTRUCTIONS RIGHT HERE: YouTube video here: The PolarDawg is NOT to be used as a space heater inside a tent. NEVER use any stove inside a tent. NORWEGIANS!! Do not buy this product to heat tents at silly low simmer levels. It won't work and it's very dangerous.
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Gary Adams

I design and build unique items for modern and vintage camping and household stoves. Most notably, I am the original designer of silent burner caps for modern backpacking and camping stoves. I am known as "BernieDawg" throughout much of the internet outdoors and vintage stove collection community. Here is a great opportunity for you to get these great silent burner caps for less than my competitors charge for their imitations. I also offer a few other stove accessories, too. Download the cap instructions as a PDF file right here: Questions? Email: Enjoy! "BernieDawg"