Plumber's Nightmare is a multiple-challenge sliding-piece puzzle in the same vein as the famous Thinkfun Rush Hour puzzle invented by Nobuyuki Yoshigahara. he puzzle has seven pieces that slide in a square grid. Each piece has two squares that is connected by a bridge. The bridges have different heights and orientation. I designed this puzzle originally in 2003. George Miller 3D-printed its first prototype. Jimmy Stephens developed a large set of computer-generated challenges.
Watch the YouTube video.
Read at the iMaterialise Forum.
Read more at the Non-Twisty Puzzles Forum.
Please order a 3D-printed do-it-yourself puzzle kit from iMaterialise at this page (check with Oskar about screws and stickers), or contact Oskar directly if you are interested in obtaining a fully colored, stickered and assembled sample of this puzzle.
Oskar van Deventer
Oskar Puzzles offers mechanical puzzles and objects that can only exist thanks to 3D printing technologies. All designed by M.Oskar van Deventer.