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Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3

by Oskar van Deventer

  • Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3
  • Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3
  • Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3
  • Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3
  • Oskar's Cube 3.5x3.5x3


Oskar's Cube, the original 5x5x5 version was designed 11 November 1984. The concept was published in Scientific American in 1988. A plastic version was brought to market in 1992 by an Australian company. A few years later, Bits and Pieces produced a metal version. The present 3.5x3.5x3.5 version was designed in around 1994, and first prototyped in wood by Jerry McFarland. The object of the puzzle is to move the cross through the three maze from the square to the dot.

Watch the YouTube video.

Read at the iMaterialise Forum.

Read more at the Non-Twisty Puzzles Forum.

Please order a 3D-printed do-it-yourself puzzle kit from iMaterialise at this page (check with Oskar about screws and stickers), or contact Oskar directly if you are interested in obtaining a fully colored, stickered and assembled sample of this puzzle.

Oskar van Deventer

Oskar van Deventer

Oskar Puzzles offers mechanical puzzles and objects that can only exist thanks to 3D printing technologies. All designed by M.Oskar van Deventer.

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