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NMM Servo bracket

by Geert Middel

  • NMM Servo bracket
  • NMM Servo bracket


NMM Servo bracket

Servor bracket was designed for the following servo's:

Graupner Servo DES 587 BB MG (29 mm x13  mmx 31 mm)

Bluebird BMS-101 DMG (18.6 mm x 7.6 mm x 15.7 mm)


Other examples of sail servo's with the same dimensions that could also work are"

Corona CS238MG  (cheap option)D-Power DS-340BB MG (medium priced)

or on of the other Graupner servo's of the same size:Graupner  DES 567 BB mgGraupner DES 568 MGGraupner DES 586 BBGraupner DES 587 BB

It fits on a NMM keelbox, and can be locked in place with the front screw of the sailing servo.

Geert Middel

Geert Middel

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