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LEGO®-compatible 44 tooth bevel gears set

by Shadocko

complete set before cutting the support structure
complete set before cutting the support structure
  • LEGO®-compatible 44 tooth bevel gears set
  • LEGO®-compatible 44 tooth bevel gears set
  • LEGO®-compatible 44 tooth bevel gears set
  • LEGO®-compatible 44 tooth bevel gears set


This set contains several custom LEGO®-compatible parts:

  • 3x 44 tooth double bevel gears with central pinhole,
  • 2x 44 tooth double bevel gears with central pinhole and holes every 30 degrees at 1.5M and 2M from the center,
  • 1x double bevel ring gear with 44 outer teeth and 24 inner teeth,
  • 4x 4.5M half-width beams,
  • 12x 12 tooth half-width gears.

Please note that if you decide to order this model dyed in colour, there may be white spots where the dye wont stick because the support structure possibly leaves little space for cleaning the residue powder in some areas. I am unable to tell because the model I received was not dyed at all, although it was ordered in red.


The video showcases a LEGO® model (MOC) using the parts.



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