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cross of hope 2 Kreuz der Hoffnung_64x57mm_antik

by Rudolf Haberstroh

cross of hope historical style
cross of hope historical style
  • cross of hope 2    Kreuz der Hoffnung_64x57mm_antik
  • cross of hope 2    Kreuz der Hoffnung_64x57mm_antik


The cross of hope in a "historical" style.

For details see the "cross of hope" (but larger).

It could also be a pendant, a jewelry (if smaller). It would be easy to fix a necklace on it.

If you want to have a smaller size - f. e. only 80%, cheaper! - , please contact i.materialise: contact[at]i.materialise.com

Thank you!

Rudolf Haberstroh

Rudolf Haberstroh

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