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Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701

by Volkmar Meier

  • Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701
  • Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701
  • Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701
  • Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701
  • Interurban Wooden Combine (Northern Indiana) - carbody - 87-1701


Interurban wooden combine, built by the Cincinnati Car Co. for the Northern Indiana Railway. Carbody including pilot and rear radial coupler. Scale H0. Item #CCC1001 For a complete car you need one chassis #CCC2001 and two truck frames #BDW8001 or #BDW7901 (sourcefile NIRY_v20121023r01)

Volkmar Meier

Volkmar Meier

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