Dominumbers is a pattern puzzle with magnetic marbles and a magnetic board. The object of the puzzle is to place the domino pieces such that they make numbers: 0123456789. Other challenges are +-*/:|^║=?, white and black. The puzzle is quite confusing to solve, if you don't know what you are doing. When solving systematically, one would first need to map out the magnets embedded in the board and in the seven pieces. With that knowledge, one can easily solve each challenge on paper, and then confirm with the magnetic puzzle.
The puzzle was designed by using Excel. 15 magnets are placed in the board randomly, and it counted the number of black-white (and white-black) spheres for each of the challenges. If all those numbers are equal, then the puzzle can at least be solved with monominoes. If not, then the loop is repeated. Excel found a solution quickly. Surprisingly, that solution did not only allow the ten canonical challenges 0123456789, but over ten additional challenges as well. So the magnet placement on the board is quite "universal". Next, I combined the 15 monominoes into 6 dominoes (two of each of the three types 00, 01, 11) and one triomino (the "V" triomino, 110). After that, I manually confirmed that each of the twenty challenges are solvable.
There are 15 cube magnets in the board, measuring 12x12x12 millimeter (https://www.supermagnete.de/eng/cube-magnets-neodymium/cube-magnet-12mm_W-12-N). The 15 black-white spheres have 6-mm diameter 13-mm length rod magnets (https://www.supermagnete.de/eng/rod-magnets-neodymium/rod-magnet-6mm-13mm_S-06-13-N).
Watch the YouTube video.
Read at the iMaterialise Forum.
Read more at the Non-Twisty Puzzles Forum.
Please order a 3D-printed do-it-yourself puzzle kit from iMaterialise at this page (check with Oskar about screws and stickers), or contact Oskar directly if you are interested in obtaining a fully colored, stickered and assembled sample of this puzzle.
Oskar van Deventer

Oskar Puzzles offers mechanical puzzles and objects that can only exist thanks to 3D printing technologies. All designed by M.Oskar van Deventer.