Diogocopter 9 is a puzzle based on geometry developed by Diogo Sousa. The shape is similar to my previous Tricopter 9 puzzle, but has been altered to create equal dihedral angles at the upper and lower sets of axes. This allows the three vertical axes to have jumbling interactions with the other six axes, creating more opportunity for scrambling. This is also the same geometry that Diogo used to make his previous Hexapod puzzle.
Other Items Needed:
Dye: If you want the puzzle to be black, you can dye the pieces yourself with a nylon dye such as RIT or Dylon.
Stickers: Please contact me for the sticker template. If you want professionally cut stickers, I recommend Oliver’s Stickers or Chewie's Custom Stickers.
Screws: Nine 12mm M3 pan head screws required, available in hardware stores or on the web.
Springs: Nine springs needed, available in web puzzle shops. I get mine from HK Now Store.
Degree of Difficulty:
Assembly: Easy to assemble.
Solving: Very difficult to solve.
Diogocopter 9 turns very nicely, and the mechanism is stable.
Have fun!
Pitcher Puzzles

Welcome! My goal when designing puzzles is to create geometries that are visually striking and have a complexity belied by their apparent simplicity. Many of my puzzles use odd axis systems, and exhibit strange properties such as jumbling and shape-shifting. Enjoy!