The Extravaganza concept collection is a modern interpretation of the ancient ruffs used primarily in the XVI and XVII centuries. I thought to transform those decorations for clothes in a piece of jewellery. I was especially inspired by the old portrait paintings where you can see different kind of this ruffs made with a lot of precious details. My intention was to simplify those ruffs to create an elegant high fashion jewel using a completely new and contemporary material and production method.
Those pieces are printed with the new rubber-like material that it was already used to produce high fashion clothes.
Dario Scapitta Design
Dario Scapitta

I was born September 4, 1975 in Valenza (Italy), capital of Italian goldsmiths. Here I studied jewelry design, and then dedicated myself to the study of set design and interior design at the Accademy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan. For over ten years I’m dedicated to jewelry design, researching new trends such as colors, materials and shapes. Experience allows me to meet the wider demands of the customer, doing the work commissioned by starting to sketch and concept, searching for suitable materials to the final item. Always using different materials, each object created is unique and different from others. The variety of the materials used gives even more glamorous and personality to the object. Creativity and originality are the basis of my work, always ready to meet my clients, with a ratio of professionalism, safety and privacy.