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Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block

by Justin Thursday Fuelling

  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block
  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block
  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block
  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block
  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block
  • Alumide GC Gen 2 H-Block


The perfect replacement H-blocks for the GC Gen 2 and 3 frames.

Alumide is a combination of hard wearing polyamide plastic(similar to nylon) and sintered aluminum powder for a strong plastic/metal hyrid. 

This material is fast and long lasting on all obstacles including metal coping and concrete ledges.

You MUST order in a quantity of 2 for a pair.

Justin Thursday Fuelling

Justin Thursday Fuelling

Upgraded replacement parts for aggressive inline skates.

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