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Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool

by Sacred Creation

Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Gold Plated Brass
Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Gold Plated Brass
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool
  • Vector Equilibrium - 60mm - Meditation Tool


  • Balances chaotic energy and brings it to an Equilibrium with great power
  • Represents the ultimate and perfect state in which the movement of energy comes into perfect balance
  • It’s the conceptual geometry of the zero point, the vacuum of our space and the Unified Field
  • 60 x 60 x 60mm

A difficult name for a remarkable figure, the Vector Equilibrium. Also called the Cuboctahedron.

But this difficult name has an origin. It was given by Buckminster Fuller in 1940. Basically he named this figure after its properties.

Vector means all the edges and lines of the figure and equilibrium means in balance, or equal.

And that’s why this figure is so unique.

Archimedean Solids

You might have heard of the Platonic Solids. They’re the most basic shapes possible.

The Archimedean Solids however, are derived of the Platonic Solids. They’re a slight bit more complex.

The Vector Equilibrium belongs to the Archimedean Solids. It is also the one and only figure where all edges have the same length. Even the lines to the center of this figure, are equally long and have the same angle of 60 °. This is something even the Platonic Solids can’t do.

Their edges are equally long, but all the lines to the center have a different length and angle.

You might ask yourself, why is the Vector Equilibrium not part of the Platonic Solids? That’s because its surfaces do not have the same shape. It consists of triangles and squares. Therefore it’s not part of the Platonic solids, but it’s part of the Archimedean Solids.

Quantum physics

So what does this figure do with energy? Something remarkable. Energy is always in movement. Exchanging itself over and over. Quantum physically, the Vector Equilibrium represents the ultimate and perfect state in which the movement of energy comes into perfect balance. Bringing it to a silence and “nothing”. It’s also seen as the starting point of all energy. It’s the conceptual geometry of the zero point, the vacuum of our space and the Unified Field.

The Unified Field is seen as pure potential. Everything is possible to be manifested. It can shape itself in any form and contains an infinite amount of energy. It’s the building block of energy. And therefore the building block of everything and nothing.

What can the Vector Equilibrium do for us?

It balances chaotic energy and brings it to an equilibrium. And it does so with great power. A model of about 40cm has an approximate range of about 3.5km! This tool is only 60mm (6cm). But it certainly does have a good range as well.

Sacred Creation

Sacred Creation

We design awesome Sacred Geometry Products to give you a boost on your amazing spiritual path. Every Sacred Geometric Product has it's own healing energy. But they all have something in common. They’re all a Sacred Creation.

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