Curvy V-TAP Plus (vertex turning anti prism) is a corner-turning anti prism. The curvy cuts allow the use of a traditional coloring scheme of one color per side. The "Plus" cuts allow more freedom of movement, and more thorough scrambling. The puzzle has a total of eight axes, one at every vertex of the anti prism. The puzzle jumbles and shape shifts constantly. Internal bandaging has been eliminated, so you can always turn an axis when the slices line up on the outside of the puzzle.
Please note that the puzzle pieces will come in a sinterbox, which you will need to cut open. The nice thing about this is that you know all the pieces will be there! This also means that it is only available in the basic white material.
Other Items Needed:
Dye: If you want the puzzle to be black, you'll need to dye the pieces yourself with a nylon dye such as RIT or Dylon.
Stickers: Please contact me for the sticker template. If you want professionally cut stickers, I recommend Oliver’s Stickers or Chewie's Custom Stickers.
Screws: Eight 12mm M3 pan head screws required, available in hardware stores or on the web.
Springs: Eight springs needed, available in web puzzle shops. I get mine from HK Now Store.
Degree of Difficulty:
Assembly: Inside-out core requires dexterity to assemble.
Solving: Difficult to solve.
The puzzle turns easily.
Have fun!
Pitcher Puzzles

Welcome! My goal when designing puzzles is to create geometries that are visually striking and have a complexity belied by their apparent simplicity. Many of my puzzles use odd axis systems, and exhibit strange properties such as jumbling and shape-shifting. Enjoy!