What kind of UV treatment should I use for polyamide?

Iā€™m having some jewellery printed in natural white polyamide. I wanted to treat the jewellery with UV protection to help resist yellowing. What type of UV protection do I need? I take it I can source some in aerosol form.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello Philip, over time, Polyamide will start to show discoloration and turn slightly yellowish. Unfortunately, this process is an inherent property of the nylon material and is caused by a chemical reaction within the polymer chains. There really is no treatment that can protect the natural color of nylon from discoloring over time. You can only delay the process by, for instance, applying a UV protective finish. To prevent discoloration, we recommend choosing a colored finish for your model like dyeing, spray painting or applying velvet-like flocking. Kind regards Lizy

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Many thanks.

"You can only delay the process by, for instance, applying a UV protective finish." is the bit Iā€™m looking for a specific answer to.

Should I use an aerosol treatment such as one used for acrylic paints? e.g: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Liquitex-Professional-Matte-Spray-Varnish/dp/B00AF09N1C/ref=asc_df_B00AF09N1C/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=278971480929&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7008742982190709797&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006973&hvtargid=pla-304665815506&th=1

Hi Philip, I took this up with our own painting section. Since they have no experience with this product, they do not dare to comment on the result, but even for our professional customers, we do not offer UV protection with transparent lacquer. This works well with colored paint. You are of course free to try it on your own model, but we fear that the result will not be very satisfactory in the long run. Kind regards Lizy