Trying to test print in multicolor+ with a VRML2 file that was printed before by a well-known competitor, I was surprised to see it rejected as containing over 400 individual shells.
Now this model is composed of intersecting VRML “sphere” and “cylinder” primitives, each with its own object color assigned to it. The number of shells clearly corresponds to the number of spheres and cylinders, so it seems your site software does not merge adjacent or intersecting meshes automatically like at least some of the competitors do. Is this true in general, or is this a particular problem with my file ? (I tried converting it to X3D, DAE and OBJ and saw the same 406 shells reported on the analysis page, so this does not appear to be specific to WRL.)
Merging the shells myself would have the drawback that I would then need to texture (or vertex-paint) the model, which I would like to avoid as it could get quite tedious.