Oskar''s Magic Box by OSKAR

Hi iMaterialise fans,

Oskar’s Magic Box is a nice beginner puzzle, invented in 1983. The object is to put the six pieces together and form a box. The puzzle has the doubtful honor to be my first design that got knocked off. The knock-off was produced by Robert Dalloz and sold by Arjeu in the 1980’s.

Watch the YouTube video.
Download the CAD file to print-it-yourself.
Buy the puzzle at my iMaterialise Shop.
Read more at the Non-Twisty Puzzles Forum.
Check out the photos below.


Oskar's-Magic-Box---view-01 Oskar's-Magic-Box---view-02 Oskar's-Magic-Box---view-03 Oskar's-Magic-Box---view-04